A directory to assist you to discern custom tailored suits

Since your cabinet is an investment, you will want to assure your high-quality clothing fits well. Here’s a directory that will assist you to discern custom-tailored apparel from store-made suits.

The fit around the shoulders

The pleased way you can tell if your suit fits properly is by glancing at the shoulders. The seam should lengthen to the end of the shoulders, and it shouldn’t glance baggy or pinched in any way.

It is fully canvassed

Premium men’s suits made by bespoke suit tailor come with a canvas coating in the jacket that acts as a structural layer to provide the suit more shape. It is sewn in between the outer jacket and the inner lining, rather than the two outside coatings being sewn jointly. To check if your jacket has a full canvas layer, just pinch the fabric between the buttonholes and feel for three layers.

The jacket buttons smoothly

As a way to test the fit of the jacket, fasten one button. The layer should look smooth, without any creases. If you see an X shape or any bulges, the suit is again tight. Furthermore, make sure to gently tug on the buttons to make sure they are as closed as possible.

A felt-lined collar

The best men’s suits made by bespoke suit tailor come with a felt lining on the collar to assure it doesn’t fold over or bunch while wearing.

Uniform stitching

The hem should be the same throughout your pants and suit. Look for evenly spaced stitches, the exact colour thread, and straight lines to assure quality.

When done correctly, custom-tailored clothes can make you look like a whole various person. If you are interested in learning more about the advantages of wearing bespoke, make sure to contact Custom Tailors today. 



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